
"The body keeps the score."

– Bessel A. van der Kolk

Tell tail signs of a traumatic response show as sudden reactions to  things that resemble an unbearable time from your past. Trauma occurs to the body’s limbic system creating symptoms like flashbacks, agitation, sudden rage, disconnection, and numbing. It can make you more prone to addictions.
My training and experience can help to understand how trauma is impacting your life and recommend next steps.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is an effective treatment for those who have experienced trauma.  It involves building 4 key skill areas:  distress tolerance, emotion regulation, core mindfulness, and interpersonal effectiveness.

Reach out and let’s tackle this together. Choose a counselling option that works for your lifestyle, I’m ready to listen when you’re ready to talk.


counselling options

Due to COVID-19, I am prioritizing the phone and video sessions to ensure that everyone continues to social distance and stay safe. I will resume in-person counselling sessions when it is safe to do so. Book your free 30-minute telephone consult today.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - Phone & Video Counselling - Small

VIDeo counselling

Enjoy the convenience with video. Get support on a secure platform that meets privacy standards.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - Phone Counselling - Small 2

Phone counselling

Sessions can be wherever you like. A convenient and reliable option with no internet required.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - In-Person Counselling - Small

in-person counselling

Sessions are held in a private office with the option of electronic payments and receipts. 


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