
"where there is anger there is always pain underneath"

– Eckhart Tolle

Are you angry at times? You probably have your reasons. Anger can be an escalating discharge of hostility or aggression towards others. It can also mean avoidance, irritability, resentments, and sarcasm. Unchecked anger destroys relationships in families and workplaces and wreaks havoc on our health. 
Understanding the underlying causes and reasons for anger in your life can help to calm the storm.  With a short term investment in therapy you can:
  • Reduce your stress levels to increase your tolerance
  • Change illogical thinking patterns and anger-triggering thoughts
  • Identify underlying needs and take responsibility 
  • Learn assertive communication strategies

Reach out and let’s tackle this together. Choose a counselling option that works for your lifestyle.  I’m ready to listen when you’re ready to talk.

counselling options

Due to COVID-19, I am prioritizing the phone and video sessions to ensure that everyone continues to social distance and stay safe. I will resume in-person counselling sessions when it is safe to do so. Book your free 30-minute telephone consult today.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - Phone & Video Counselling - Small

VIDeo counselling

Enjoy the convenience with video. Get support on a secure platform that meets privacy standards.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - Phone Counselling - Small 2

Phone counselling

Sessions can be wherever you like. A convenient and reliable option with no internet required.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - In-Person Counselling - Small

in-person counselling

Sessions are held in a private office with the option of electronic payments and receipts. 


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