
"Once you know your WHY, You can survive almost any HOW."

– Victor Frankl 

In the winter months with less hours of daylight and more hours of hard work, the risk of spiralling into depression can grow. You may have experienced depression in a past episode and recognize the signs coming on.  – the low mood, low motivation, sleep and eating problems. And most of all the thoughts that seem to get darker and more hopeless as time passes. People who care about you may be at a loss of how to help and suggest you “go talk to someone”.  
If you are struggling there is relief. You may not be able to solve the external problems but you have all the power to change what is happening within. Cognitive therapy can make permanent changes to the way you think. Therapy can also help to really identify how to help yourself and give you skills to use if depression returns.
Recovery is a commitment to the self and it is a process. Get the support you know you need and let’s talk.
Depressions resources:

Reach out and let’s tackle this together. Choose a counselling option that works for your lifestyle, I’m ready to listen when you’re ready to talk.

counselling options

Due to COVID-19, I am prioritizing the phone and video sessions to ensure that everyone continues to social distance and stay safe. I will resume in-person counselling sessions when it is safe to do so. Book your free 30-minute telephone consult today.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - Phone & Video Counselling - Small

VIDeo counselling

Enjoy the convenience with video. Get support on a secure platform that meets privacy standards.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - Phone Counselling - Small 2

Phone counselling

Sessions can be wherever you like. A convenient and reliable option with no internet required.

Jennifer Schofield - JS Counselling - Registered Therapist - In-Person Counselling - Small

in-person counselling

Sessions are held in a private office with the option of electronic payments and receipts. 


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